Clothes To Kids Rhode Island is an exciting new nonprofit to help ease the financial burden on low-income families, and build self-esteem in children. Our mission is to provide new and quality used clothing to low-income school-age children, or children in crisis, free of charge. We envision a community in which all children have quality clothing so that they may attend school with the confidence and self-esteem needed to achieve academic success.
We have already received some donations of good quality clothing from family and friends. We provide a unique store-like setting where parents can shop with dignity and children can browse for their own style and size. BACK TO SCHOOL shopping will begin Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016 so book your appointment today.
Volunteers and donors alike are needed to make this new project a success. Whether in the form of money, clothing or time, we ask that you join our cause and donate to Clothes To Kids Rhode Island. Your contribution, whatever the amount and time, will be the catalyst that moves our venture forward.